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Sorokin Yuri   "Kruzenshtern s sloop Nadezhda off the coast of Kamchatka" canvas, oil, 50x70 cm, 2024

Let the price of painting

Sorokin Yuri   "Sloops of the 1st Russian circumnavigation expedition Nadezhda , Neva" canvas, oil, 50x70 cm, 2024

Let the price of painting

Sorokin Yuri   "Kruzenshtern sails (Sloops Nadezhda and Neva)" canvas, oil, 50x70 cm, 2024, sold

Sorokin Yuri   "Entrance to the Bay of the town Balaclava frigate Sizopol" canvas, oil, 50x70 cm, 2019, sold

Sorokin Yuri   "Vostok and Mirny" canvas, oil, 80x110 cm, 2013

Let the price of painting

Fedorov Oleg   "Blue Dreams" canvas, oil, 80x180 cm, 2024

Let the price of painting

Lenski Valery   "Clipper Bulletin of the Imperial Russian Navy" canvas, oil, 40x60 cm, 2021

Let the price of painting

Sorokin Yuri   "Armadillos :Evstafi, John Chrysostom, Panteleimon on the Black sea" canvas, oil, 60x80 cm, 2015

Let the price of painting

Lenski Valery   "Clipper Rider of the Imperial Russian Navy" canvas, oil, 70x50 cm, 2020

Let the price of painting

Medvedeva Olga   "Ancient port" canvas, oil, 50x70 cm, 2019  
Цена 28000 rub.

Lenski Valery   "Clipper Rider from 1856 of the black sea fleet of the Russian Empire" canvas, oil, 60x80 cm, 2019

Let the price of painting

Sydoriv Zinovy   "Kaleidoscope of evening lights" canvas, oil, 50x60 cm, 2017

Let the price of painting

Sorokin Yuri   "Escort (auxiliary cruiser "Don")" canvas, oil, 80x110 cm, 2011

Let the price of painting

Dmitriev George   "Fog" canvas, oil, 80x100 cm, 2023

Let the price of painting

Dmitriev George   "Towards the sun" canvas, oil, 80x120 cm, 2020, sold

Enikeev Unis   "In the port" canvas, oil, 30x40 cm, 2022

Let the price of painting

Gritsenko Valentina   "White Steamboat" canvas, oil, 50x60 cm, 2012

Let the price of painting

Kolokolov Anton   "The Golden ship" canvas, oil, 40x60 cm, 2020

Let the price of painting

Kolokolov Anton   "Kemer. Pleasure boats" canvas, oil, 50x60 cm, 2019

Let the price of painting

Kolokolov Anton   "Stockholm pier" canvas, oil, 45x60 cm, 2019

Let the price of painting

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